SUMIFi nähtavad lahtrid - Exceli näpunäited

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Kriteeriumidele vastavate * nähtavate * lahtrite summeerimiseks saab SUMIF-i kasutada. Näiteks summeerige kõik kirjed, kus piirkond = "ida", kuid eirake juba peidetud ridu. Teid üllatab funktsioon, mis päeva päästab.

Vaata videot

  • Joni küsimus: tehke SUMIFS, mis lisab ainult nähtavad lahtrid
  • Billi esimene katse: edastage massiiv funktsiooni AGGREGATE - kuid see ei õnnestu
  • Mike vinge lahendus:
  • SUBTOTAL või AGGREGATE ei saa massiivi aktsepteerida
  • Kuid massiivi töötlemiseks ja tulemuste saatmiseks SUBTOTAL saate kasutada OFFSET-i.
  • Kasutage SUMPRODUCTi, et teada saada, kas rida on JAH või mitte.
  • Billi teine ​​katse on nagu kontrollimine, kas ukse sulgemisel külmkapi tuli kustub:
  • Lisage abistaja veerg, kus igas reas on üks lahter AGGREGATE
  • Suunake SUMIFS sellele veerule

Automaatselt loodud ärakiri

  • tere, tere tulemast on aeg teisele
  • duellimine Exceli podcast Olen Bill Jelen
  • aastast liitub Mike Irvin
  • Exceli kaudu on lõbus, see on meie episood
  • 187 mõned, kui nähtav tõusis korras
  • tere tulemast ma tegin aastal seminari
  • Fort Myers Florida eile ja John
  • oli publiku hulgas ja tal oli a
  • küsimus ta ütles, kuidas saate teha summa, kui
  • see võtab ainult nähtavad read kokku, nii et
  • siin on meie andmebaas ja mõned, kui
  • see on piisavalt lihtne
  • vaata 385–824, kas vastus on jaatav
  • kui see on kokku liita vastavad lahtrid
  • b5-st 24-ni, mis kõik töötab, kuid siis
  • John rakendas filtrit, nii et meil oli
  • kategooria siin ja andmed olgem lihtsalt
  • kasutage automaatfiltrit
  • filter, nii et seal on kõik meie B-rakud
  • ja me tahame liita ainult jah-lahtrid
  • mis on B-rakud, siis see peakski olema
  • midagi 100-ni, kuid see valem ei ole
  • nii et küsimus on selles, kuidas me saame hakkama
  • summa, kui see vaatab ainult nähtavat
  • ridu ja ma ütlesin kõik hästi hästi selgelt
  • ainus asi, mida ma tean, et läheb
  • ignoreeri nähtavaid ridu on agregaat
  • funktsioneerivad kõik agregaadid
  • funktsioon, nii et me võtame numbri 9
  • koma ja siis siin on oluline osa
  • ignoreeri peidetud ridu kõik korras ja
  • siis pean lihtsalt leidma mingi viisi, kuidas saada
  • massiiv seal ja ma tean kõrgemat
  • versioonid kasutavad massiivi nagu kõik
  • selle teise argumendi puhul üle 11 kasutage a
  • massiiv, kuid tead, et massiiv töötab
  • siin on nii, et mida ma öelda tahtsin
  • Ma kavatsesin teha, ma ütlen kõik ära
  • eks me võtame kõik need numbrid
  • siin ja korrutage need tõeväärtusega
  • nii et vaadake kõik sõnad üle
  • a 5 võrdub jah jah kõik korras ja mis
  • juhtub, hästi lähevad need
  • olge numbrid õiged ja need lähevad
  • hinnata tõendite ja valede seerias
  • ja siis, kui sunnime Exceli korrutama
  • jäljed ja valed korrutavad arvu
  • läbimised saavad 1
  • olgu, nii et kõik, mis see ei ütle jah
  • hindab 0 kõike, mida
  • kas jah, kavatseb seda hinnata
  • müük on korras ja siis me lihtsalt
  • peate tegema Ctrl Shift Enter
  • nii et mu jumal see ei tööta, ma ei pruugi seda teha
  • lihtsalt sisestus ütleb sulle, mis ma Mike olen
  • töötan selle kallal edasi, viskan selle ära
  • sinu jaoks
  • vaatame, mis teil on tänu
  • noh, sa tead, mis koondandmed jah see on
  • üks kahest funktsioonist, mida saab ignoreerida
  • peidetud või filtreeritud read nüüd koonduvad
  • leiutati varem Excel 2010-s
  • kokku oli meil vahesumma funktsioon
  • ja vahesumma funktsioon võib ka
  • ignoreeri nüüd peidetud ridu või filtreeritud ridu
  • sama probleem esineb vahesummaga nagu
  • agregaadiga, kui valin funktsiooni 9
  • et väldime lihtsalt filtreeritud loendamist
  • rida, kui valin 109, mida ignoreeritakse
  • peidetud ja filtreeritud read nii, et 109
  • meeldib seda teha, aga arvake ära, mis see on
  • vahesumma funktsioon jookseb samaga
  • probleem kui koondviide
  • argument tähendab, et teil ei saa olla massiivi
  • operatsioon seal, mida me siis teeme
  • kasutan nihke funktsiooni
  • samaaegselt iga rida
  • mis vahesumma sisuliselt loob
  • üksikud alatööriistad ja see trikk I
  • õppinud aastaid tagasi väga
  • Oh message board now offset it
  • needs a starting point so I'm going to
  • click in the first cell comma and then
  • offset goes down or up a certain number
  • of rows to get a particular value I'm
  • going to say just as an example to see
  • how this function works go down six rows
  • comma columns that's how many rows you
  • want to subtract our ad we don't want to
  • subtract or add any so I'm going to
  • leave it blank
  • now offset notice I already have some
  • rows hid in there three rows so offset
  • if I tell it to go down six out of a one
  • two three four
  • five and six so offset should be going
  • and getting that 30 in Selby 16 if I
  • highlight it and hit the f9 key I can
  • see sure enough that it's doing exactly
  • that
  • control-z but what I really want it to
  • do is simultaneously get every single
  • value so in rows amuse the row function
  • highlight all the way from ten to twenty
  • nine close parenthesis if I highlight
  • this row which is now doing a function
  • argument array operation will just
  • deliver an array of the numbers ten to
  • twenty nine so f9 there we go ah but we
  • really want to tell offset to go down
  • zero one two so it can get offset zero
  • offset one and so on if I can subtract
  • 10 from all of these I'll have exactly
  • what I want
  • zero one two three and so on control-z
  • well now I simply minus the row of the
  • very first cell in that range close
  • parenthesis now in the rows argument if
  • I f9 there's an array of all the
  • positions offset needs to offset to get
  • each item individually
  • control-z that is an array in row so it
  • will force offset to deliver exactly one
  • cell for each item in that range and
  • that'll be different than just the
  • complete range which subtotal cannot
  • handle comma columns we don't need any
  • so close parenthesis that hole offset if
  • I f9 look at that right now it's
  • delivering every single cell including
  • right there is three items that are
  • hidden I can see them 30 40 30 but
  • that's because I haven't dumped this
  • entire resultant array into subtotal
  • control Z I come to the end closed
  • parenthesis and now when I am nine watch
  • this there we are 0 0 z
  • because subtotal is ignoring the hidden
  • or later we'll see that it will ignore
  • filtered rows also now I would like to
  • further eliminate some of these numbers
  • for example the second number 50 we
  • can't have that because it says no right
  • there so I'm going to put this result in
  • array inside of some product and then
  • multiply this array times another array
  • of zeros and ones that will represent
  • yes that'll be the one no that'll be the
  • zero
  • control-z now I put it inside of some
  • product that's array one I need to come
  • to be in comma and highlight the column
  • with the yeses equals and I have the
  • criteria up here now if I click on array
  • 2 + f9 trues and falses but some product
  • can see those trues and falses so we
  • need to convert them to ones and zeros
  • ctrl z so I'm going to use any math
  • operation to convert trues and falses to
  • ones and zeros I'm gonna use double
  • negative because in general that tends
  • to be the fastest and most efficient now
  • I could have taken that array and
  • directly multiplied it by the first
  • array then we would just have that
  • multiplication in array 1 but I've
  • chosen to have array number 1 there then
  • some product will multiply times these
  • ones and zeros f9 and we'll get exactly
  • what we want notice right now 1 1 1
  • means yes yes yes but those will be
  • matched up with the zero zero zero from
  • the subtotal for the hidden rows
  • control-z now I can come to the end
  • close parentheses control enter now I'm
  • hiding over here if I come over and hide
  • right-click hi I should get exactly a
  • total of 50 and 10 control-z now if I
  • turn on the filters with ctrl shift L
  • now I can come up and filter just to
  • show B and there we go
  • 30 times 3 is 90 plus 10 is 100 so there
  • after a great trick I learned years ago
  • from the message board
  • subtotal with offset to get our some ifs
  • which is really some product with a
  • criteria here to add only the filtered
  • rows and one last thing about offset
  • remember we were talking about aggregate
  • and subtotal couldn't handle an array
  • operation right there but we do have
  • some array operations inside of offset
  • offset delivers something that Excel can
  • interpret as a reference it works to
  • disguise the array operation as a
  • reference that in our case subtotal can
  • understand all right I'm gonna throw it
  • back over to Oh Mike that is
  • one awesome formula I wonder I couldn't
  • come up with it there alive at the
  • seminar I was headed in completely the
  • wrong direction but well you've been
  • working on that I'm still absolutely
  • convinced that aggregate there's some
  • way that I can use aggregate to solve
  • this but if I can't use an array here
  • because this is five and not one of the
  • ones higher than twelve then I still
  • feel like there should be some way to do
  • this and check this out here's what I'm
  • gonna do is I'm gonna use a helper
  • column and you know as I started think
  • about this one this is this is a lot
  • like finding out if the refrigerator
  • light turns off when you close the door
  • all right you're not going to know but
  • what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add it
  • and help her column with an aggregate
  • function and that aggregate function is
  • going to sum ignore the hidden rows and
  • what am I gonna sum I'm gonna sum just
  • this row just this one row and we will
  • copy that down all right now the big
  • question is what is the answer to this
  • when I filter to just the B's what is
  • the answer
  • are those hidden rows returning zero or
  • not well I don't know how we can find
  • out well actually I do know how we can
  • find out because we have a secret way to
  • look inside that sound all right so
  • here's what I'm doing I'm a press
  • control ditto to bring that exact
  • formula down and then instead of
  • pointing to column B I want to point at
  • column C like that
  • right and we'll press ENTER and then
  • apply a filter all right and let's see
  • 30 plus 30 plus 30 plus 10 100 it's
  • working so apparently in those hidden
  • rows the rows we can't see like for
  • example row 7 here we could do down here
  • equals C 7 aggregate is returning 0
  • because it that hidden row that row
  • itself is hidden all right there you go
  • kind of cheating with that helper column
  • but at least it's something that I can
  • understand and probably even knock out
  • again without having to look at the
  • formula all right wrap up from today
  • question from John do a summits that
  • only has the visible cells my first pass
  • I was trying to pass an array into the
  • aggregate function but that fails and
  • Mike came up with an awesome solution
  • use the offset function to point each
  • row use the subtotal to see that rows
  • hidden or not and then some product to
  • multiply you know is it yes times the
  • result from the subtotal my second try
  • it's like checking to see if the
  • refrigerator like goes out once the door
  • sulgeb, pidin ma tema veergu aitama
  • rida, mis ütleb lahtri agregaadi
  • selles reas öeldes ignoreeritakse peidetud rida
  • nii et see muutub kivil 0-ks
  • peidetud ja siis märkige summa, kui see
  • veerg noh, teil on see tänu
  • peatudes näeme järgmisel korral
  • järjekordne duellimängu excel podcast hr.
  • Excel ja Excel on lõbus

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Laadige näidisfail alla siit: Duel187.xlsx

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